Engineering services and battery charger manufacturing in Coimbatore,Tamilnadu
Battery Chargers in Coimbatore,Tamilnadu

Basically Lead-Acid batteries resembles Lithium-Iron batteries regarding charging cycles mostly, which can be charged using either Intense charge or Dribble charge modes. Dribble charging is enabled when the battery is not drained often, which charges the battery with around 3% of full load current to maintain the full charging level. Whereas Intense charge can be activated when the charge is drained completely or near zero, so as to quickly add more charges to the battery, around 10% to enable the charging to complete within 70% of regular charging time range. Smart charging is applied based on the temperature & controlled over the charging cycles based on the battery temperature.



  • Intensified industry experience and expertise
  • Thorough analytics about Chemical processes
  • Well equipped team experienced among challenging projects
  • Very Efficient charging cycles design